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Belgium Joins Artemis Accords for Participation in NASA's Space Program


Belgium has recently made a significant stride in the realm of space exploration by becoming the 34th country to sign the Artemis Accords. These accords, established as a space governance agreement between the United States and several other national governments, pave the way for international collaboration in the Artemis space program led by NASA.

As a signee to the Artemis Accords, Belgium now gains the opportunity to actively participate in NASA's ambitious Artemis program, which includes groundbreaking initiatives such as the long-term objective to revisit the Moon, establish a sustainable lunar base, and ultimately embark on manned missions to Mars.

This landmark agreement presents Belgium with the chance to contribute to cutting-edge space exploration efforts and collaborate with other spacefaring nations in shaping the future of human space exploration. By joining the Artemis Accords, Belgium aligns itself with the shared vision of expanding humanity's presence beyond Earth, fostering scientific advancement, and fostering peaceful and responsible space exploration endeavors.


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