The 2N3904 is a widely used NPN bipolar junction transistor that is commonly employed for low-power amplification or switching applications. It is specifically designed for low current and power, medium voltage, and can operate at moderately high speeds. The 2N3904 is complementary to the 2N3906 PNP transistor, and both types were registered by Motorola Semiconductor in the mid-1960s.
In the 1960s, the construction of the 2N3904 and 2N3906 transistors marked a significant improvement in performance and cost, as the plastic TO-92 case replaced the previous metal cans. These transistors are low-cost devices that are widely available and robust enough to be used by experimenters and electronics hobbyists. When viewed from the flat side with the leads pointed downward, the three wires emerging from the bottom are connected to the emitter, base, and collector, respectively. Some manufacturers may mark "EBC" on the molded part, but all versions of the 2N3904 transistor must have these connections. This transistor has a maximum current rating of 200 mA, a maximum voltage rating of 40 V, and a maximum power rating of 625 mW. Its transition frequency is 300 MHz, and it has a minimum beta, or current gain, of 100 at a collector current of 10 mA.
Devices that are electrically similar, such as the MMBT3904, are available in various small through-hole and surface-mount packages, including TO-92, SOT-23, and SOT-223. These packages have thermal ratings that depend on the package type, ranging from 625 milliwatts to 1 watt. The complementary PNP transistor to the MMBT3904 is the 2N3906. The 2N3904 (NPN) and 2N3906 (PNP) are a pair of complementary transistors. They are available in different package styles such as TO-92, SOT23, and SOT223, each with different prefixes.
The 2N3904 is a popular NPN bipolar junction transistor that is widely used in electronic circuits. It is a general-purpose transistor that can be used for a variety of applications, including amplification, switching, and signal processing. There are several manufacturers that produce the 2N3904 transistor, including LGE, Semtech, KEC Semicon, and others.
LGE, or LG Electronics, is a South Korean electronics company that produces a wide range of electronic components, including transistors. The company produces the 2N3904 transistor as part of its portfolio of discrete semiconductors. LGE's 2N3904 transistor is designed for general-purpose applications and features a maximum collector current of 200 mA and a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 40 V.
Semtech is a semiconductor company based in the United States that produces a range of analog and mixed-signal semiconductors. The company produces the 2N3904S transistor as part of its portfolio of discrete semiconductors. Semtech's 2N3904 transistor is designed for low-power applications and features a maximum collector current of 200 mA and a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 40 V.
KEC Semicon is a South Korean semiconductor company that produces a range of electronic components, including transistors. The company produces the 2N3904 transistor as part of its portfolio of discrete semiconductors. KEC Semicon's 2N3904 transistor is designed for general-purpose applications and features a maximum collector current of 200 mA and a maximum collector-emitter voltage of 40 V.
Other manufacturers that produce the 2N3904 transistor include Fairchild Semiconductor, ON Semiconductor, and Central Semiconductor. Each manufacturer may have slightly different specifications for their version of the 2N3904 transistor, but they are all generally interchangeable in most electronic circuits.
In conclusion, the 2N3904 transistor is a widely used component in electronic circuits, and there are several manufacturers that produce it, including LGE, Semtech, KEC Semicon, and others. Each manufacturer may have slightly different specifications for their version of the transistor, but they are all generally interchangeable in most electronic circuits.